Poster Carnivores and Communities - Waterton Biosphere Association

Carnivores and Communities Meetings – December 6 and 7, 2017

Attend one of three Carnivores and Communities Program meetings to hear updates about bear and wolf activity in southwestern Alberta.  Learn about recent projects completed and support available to help landowners reduce the risk of conflict with carnivores on their land including deadstock removal, bear proofing grain bins, electric fencing, and bear proof garbage bins. Featured…

Carnivores and Communities Program Tour 2016

The Waterton Biosphere Reserve would like to invite you to join us as we tour various carnivore mitigation projects of the Carnivores and Communities Program (CACP). The CACP provides support for activities designed to remove or reduce carnivore attractants. Current attractant management projects include removing dead livestock from the landscape, making grain and feed storage…

KEPA Summit 2016 Poster

KEPA Summit 2016

The Kainai Ecosystem Protection Agency will be hosting their annual KEPA Summit on June 1st to 3rd, 2016.  This event is based out of Standoff, Alberta and hosts a variety of speakers, exhibits and field tours.   The theme for the 2016 Summit is “Climate Change Resilience & Adaption”. The goal of the KEPA Summit is to initiate…

NEW Large Carnivore Attractant Management Project Report for Southwestern Alberta (2013-2014) Released

Large Carnivore Attractant Management Project Report The WBR is excited to share with you the newly released Large Carnivore Attractant  Management Project Report for Southwestern Alberta 2013 – 2014 This document highlights the hard work being done by producers in southwestern Alberta to reduce the risk of conflict with large carnivores from 2013 to the spring…

Carnivore Project copyright WBRA 2015

Technical Guides Available to Assist Landowners in Reducing Large Carnivore Attractants

The Carnivores and Communities program produced three technical guides Spring is just around the corner in the Waterton Biosphere Reserve area.   That means before we know it many landowners will be seeing and dealing with bears on their property. The Carnivores and Communities program has  produced three technical guides designed to support landowner efforts to…

Carnivores and Communities Meetings 2016 – March 2nd and 3rd

The Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association would like to invite you to attend an upcoming Carnivores and Communities  meeting regarding bear and wolf activity in southwestern Alberta, which will include updates on support available to help landowners reduce the risk of conflict with carnivores on their land. The Carnivores and Communities program was developed in 2009, building…